Source: horizontalcharts.js

 * For all details and documentation: {@link|}
 * @copyright Andrea Giovanni Bianchessi 2022
 * @author Andrea Giovanni Bianchessi <>
 * @license MIT
 * @version 1.1.9
 * @module HorizontalCharts
; (function (exports) {
	'use strict';

	const Util = {
		merge: function () {
			arguments[0] = arguments[0] || {};
			for (let i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
				for (let key in arguments[i]) {
					if (arguments[i].hasOwnProperty(key)) {
						if (typeof (arguments[i][key]) === 'object') {
							if (arguments[i][key] instanceof Array) {
								arguments[0][key] = arguments[i][key];
							} else {
								arguments[0][key] = Util.merge(arguments[0][key], arguments[i][key]);
						} else {
							arguments[0][key] = arguments[i][key];
			return arguments[0];
		resizeCanvas: function (canvas, factor) {
			const width = canvas.clientWidth;
			const height = canvas.height;
			canvas.width = 0 | (width * factor);
			canvas.height = 0 | (height * factor); = height + 'px';
			canvas.getContext("2d").scale(factor, factor);

	 * Initialises a new <code>DataSample</code>.
	 * @constructor
	 * @param {Object} data - An object with <code>DataSample</code> data.
	 * @param {number} data.ts - This <code>DataSample</code> timestamp (milliseconds since the Unix Epoch). 
	 * @param {string|CanvasPattern} data.color - The color or pattern of this <code>DataSample</code>.
	 * @param {number} [data.value=NaN] - The value of this <code>DataSample</code>.
	 * @param {string} [data.desc=""] - A short text describing this <code>DataSample</code>.
	 * @memberof module:HorizontalCharts 
	function DataSample(data) {
		this.ts = typeof data.ts === 'number' ? data.ts : Number.NaN;
		this.color = data.color;
		this.value = typeof data.value === 'number' ? data.value : Number.NaN;
		this.desc = typeof data.desc === 'string' ? data.desc : '';
		this.xStart = Number.NaN;
		this.xEnd = Number.NaN;
		this.path2D = null;

	* Initialises a new <code>TimeSeries</code> with optional data options.
	* @constructor
	* @param {number} position - Unique, integer and strictly positive value, it sorts series on the graph from top to bottom.
	* @param {DefaultTimeSeriesOptions} [options] - <code>TimeSeries</code> options.
	* @memberof module:HorizontalCharts
	function TimeSeries(position, options) {
		this.position = position;
		this.options = Util.merge({}, TimeSeries.defaultTimeSeriesOptions, options);

	 * @typedef {Object} DefaultTimeSeriesOptions - Contains default chart options.
	 * @property {number} [barHeight=22] - The thickness of the bars.
	 * @property {boolean} [showValues=true] - Enables the printing of data samples values inside bars.
	 * @property {string} [labelText=""] - A short text describing this <code>TimeSeries</code>.
	 * @property {boolean} [replaceValue=false] - If data sample <code>ts</code> has an exact match in the series, this flag controls whether it is replaced, or not.
	 * @property {boolean} [disabled=false] - This flag controls wheter this timeseries is displayed or not.
	TimeSeries.defaultTimeSeriesOptions = {
		barHeight: 25,
		showValues: true,
		labelText: "",
		replaceValue: false,
		disabled: false

	 * Clears all data from this <code>TimeSeries</code>.
	TimeSeries.prototype.clear = function () { = [];

	 * Adds a new data sample to the <code>TimeSeries</code>, preserving chronological order.
	 * @param {DataSample} dataSample - The <code>DataSample</code> to add.
	TimeSeries.prototype.append = function (dataSample) {
		if (isNaN(dataSample.ts)) {
			// Add to the end of the array;
		// Rewind until we hit an older x
		let i = - 1;
		while (i >= 0 &&[i].ts > dataSample.ts) {
		if (i === -1) {
			// This new item is the oldest data, 0, dataSample);
		} else if ( > 0 &&[i].ts === dataSample.ts) {
			// Replace existing values in the array
			if (this.options.replaceValue)[i] = dataSample;
		} else {
			if (i < - 1) {
				// Splice into the correct position to keep the ts's in order + 1, 0, dataSample);
			} else {
				// Add to the end of the array;

	 * @private
	TimeSeries.prototype._dropOldData = function (canvasWidth) {
		let lengthSum = 0;
		for (let i = - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
			if (isNaN([i].xEnd) || isNaN([i].xStart))
			lengthSum +=[i].xEnd -[i].xStart;
			if (lengthSum > canvasWidth) {, i + 1);

	 * Initialises a new <code>HorizontalChart</code>.
	 * @constructor
	 * @param {DefaultChartOptions} [options] - <code>HorizontalChart</code> options.
	 * @param {boolean} [isRealTime=false] - Enables the real-time data visualization mode.
	 * @memberof module:HorizontalCharts
	function HorizontalChart(options, isRealTime = false) {
		this.seriesSet = [];
		this.isRealTime = isRealTime;
		this.options = Util.merge({}, HorizontalChart.defaultChartOptions, options);

	 * @typedef {Object} DefaultChartOptions - Contains default chart options.
	 * @property {number} [overSampleFactor=3] - Canvas scaling factor.
	 * @property {string} [backgroundColor="#00000000"] - Background color (RGB[A] string) of the chart.
	 * @property {number} [padding=5] - Space between timeseries.
	 * @property {function} [formatTime] - Timestamp formatting function.
	 * @property {number} [axesWidth=2] - The thickness of the X and Y axes.
	 * @property {string} [axesColor="#000000"] - The color of the X and Y axes.
	 * @property {Object} [grid] - Grid options.
	 * @property {Object} [grid.y] - Y grid axis options.
	 * @property {boolean} [grid.y.enabled=false] - If true Y grid axis are shown.
	 * @property {string} [grid.y.color="#000000"] - Y grid axis color.
	 * @property {Object} [grid.x] - X grid axis options.
	 * @property {boolean} [grid.x.enabled=false] - If true X grid axis are shown.
	 * @property {number} [grid.x.stepSize=20] - X grid axis step size.
	 * @property {string} [grid.x.color="#000000"] - X grid axis color. 
	 * @property {Object} [tooltip] - Tooltip options.
	 * @property {boolean} [tooltip.enabled=true] - If true tooltips are shown.
	 * @property {string} [tooltip.backgroundColor="#FFFFFFDD"] - Tooltips backround color.
	 * @property {number} [minBarLength=0] - Minimum bar length.
	 * @property {Object} [xAxis] - X axis options.
	 * @property {number} [xAxis.xUnitsPerPixel=10] - X axis scaling factor.
	 * @property {number} [xAxis.max=105] - On real time charts this is the maximum value on the X axis. On non real time charts it is ignored.
	 * @property {string} [xAxis.xLabel=""] - X axis title.
	 * @property {number} [xAxis.fontSize=12] - Font size of the X axis title.
	 * @property {string} [xAxis.fontFamily="monospace"] - Font family of the X axis title.
	 * @property {string} [xAxis.fontColor="#000000"] - Font color of the X axis title.
	 * @property {Object} [yLabels] - Y labels options.
	 * @property {boolean} [yLabels.enabled=true] - If true Y labels are shown.
	 * @property {boolean} [yLabels.fontSize=12] - Font size of the Y labels.
	 * @property {string} [yLabels.fontFamily="monospace"] - Font family of the Y labels.
	 * @property {string} [yLabels.fontColor="#000000"] - Font color of the Y labels.
	HorizontalChart.defaultChartOptions = {
		overSampleFactor: 3,
		backgroundColor: '#00000000',
		padding: 5,
		formatTime: function (ms) {
			function pad3(number) { if (number < 10) return '00' + number; if (number < 100) return '0' + number; return number; }
			const date = new Date(ms);
			const msStr = (pad3(ms - Math.floor(ms / 1000) * 1000) / 1000);
			return date.toLocaleString('en-US', { hour12: false }) + msStr;
		axesWidth: 2,
		axesColor: '#000000',
		grid: {
			y: {
				enabled: false,
				color: '#000000'
			x: {
				enabled: false,
				stepSize: 20,
				color: '#000000'
		tooltip: {
			enabled: true,
			backgroundColor: '#FFFFFFDD'
		minBarLength: 0,
		xAxis: {
			xUnitsPerPixel: 10,
			max: 105,
			xLabel: "",
			fontSize: 12,
			fontFamily: 'monospace',
			fontColor: '#000000'
		yLabels: {
			enabled: true,
			fontSize: 12,
			fontFamily: 'monospace',
			fontColor: '#000000'

	 * Adds <code>TimeSeries</code> to this chart.
	 * @param {...TimeSeries} timeSeries - The <code>TimeSeries</code> to add.
	HorizontalChart.prototype.addTimeSeries = function (...timeSeries) {

	 * Instructs the <code>HorizontalChart</code> to start rendering to the provided <code>Canvas</code>.
	 * @param {Canvas} canvas - The target canvas element.
	HorizontalChart.prototype.streamTo = function (canvas) {
		// DataSet check
		const valDataOk = this.seriesSet.every(s =>
			(d, i, arr) => i == 0 ? true : isNaN(arr[i].value) === isNaN(arr[i - 1].value)
		if (!valDataOk)
			throw new Error('Invalid DataSet!');
		// Render on Canvas
		this.canvas = canvas;
		// Add mouse listeners
		this.canvas.addEventListener('click', this._mouseclick.bind(this));
		this.canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', this._mousemove.bind(this));
		this.canvas.addEventListener('mouseout', this._mouseout.bind(this));

	 * @private
	HorizontalChart.prototype._render = function () {
		const xUnitsPerPixel = this.options.xAxis.xUnitsPerPixel;
		const xMax = this.options.xAxis.max;
		const ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d");
		const seriesCount = this.seriesSet.reduce(function (prevValue, currentSeries) {
			if (currentSeries.options.disabled)
				return prevValue;
			return ++prevValue;
		}, 0);

		//Canvas heigth
		let canvasHeight = this.seriesSet.reduce(function (prevValue, currentSeries) {
			if (currentSeries.options.disabled)
				return prevValue;
			return prevValue + currentSeries.options.barHeight;
		}, 0);
		canvasHeight += (seriesCount + 1) * this.options.padding;
		//X axis width
		canvasHeight += this.options.axesWidth;
		//X Axis labels space
		let xLabelSpace = 0;
		if (typeof this.options.xAxis.xLabel === "string" && this.options.xAxis.xLabel.length > 0) {
			xLabelSpace = this.options.xAxis.fontSize + 5;
			canvasHeight += xLabelSpace;

		// Resize canvas = canvasHeight + "px";
		this.canvas.height = canvasHeight;
		Util.resizeCanvas(this.canvas, this.options.overSampleFactor);
		const canvasWidth = this.canvas.width;

		// Clear the working area.
		ctx.fillStyle = this.options.backgroundColor;
		ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
		ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);

		// Compute y labels max width
		let labelsMaxWidth = 0;
		// For each data set...
		for (const timeSeries of this.seriesSet) {
			if (timeSeries.options.disabled)
			if (this.options.yLabels.enabled) {
				ctx.font = "bold " + this.options.yLabels.fontSize + 'px ' + this.options.yLabels.fontFamily;
				const labelString = timeSeries.options.labelText.length > 0
					? timeSeries.options.labelText
					: timeSeries.position;
				const textWidth = Math.ceil(ctx.measureText(labelString).width);
				if (textWidth > labelsMaxWidth)
					labelsMaxWidth = textWidth;
		if (labelsMaxWidth > 0)
			labelsMaxWidth += 4;

		// Scale factor for non real-time charts
		const xScale = (canvasWidth - (labelsMaxWidth + this.options.axesWidth) * this.options.overSampleFactor) / (this.options.overSampleFactor * xMax);

		// X Y Axis
		ctx.lineJoin = "round";
		ctx.lineWidth = this.options.axesWidth;
		ctx.strokeStyle = this.options.axesColor;
		ctx.moveTo(canvasWidth / this.options.overSampleFactor, this.canvas.clientHeight - (ctx.lineWidth / 2) - xLabelSpace);
		ctx.lineTo(labelsMaxWidth, this.canvas.clientHeight - (ctx.lineWidth / 2) - xLabelSpace);
		ctx.lineTo(labelsMaxWidth, 0);

		// X grid
		if (this.options.grid.x.enabled) {
			let xPos = this.options.grid.x.stepSize;
			ctx.lineWidth = 1;
			ctx.strokeStyle = this.options.grid.x.color;
			while (xMax - xPos > 0) {
				ctx.moveTo((xPos * xScale) + labelsMaxWidth + this.options.axesWidth, this.canvas.clientHeight - (ctx.lineWidth / 2) - xLabelSpace);
				ctx.lineTo((xPos * xScale) + labelsMaxWidth + this.options.axesWidth, 0);
				xPos += this.options.grid.x.stepSize;

		// X Axis label
		if (xLabelSpace > 0) {
			const labelText = this.options.xAxis.xLabel;
			const textWidth = Math.ceil(ctx.measureText(labelText).width);
			ctx.fillStyle = this.options.xAxis.fontColor;
			ctx.font = "bold " + this.options.xAxis.fontSize + 'px ' + this.options.xAxis.fontFamily;
				canvasWidth / (2 * this.options.overSampleFactor) - textWidth / 2,
				this.canvas.clientHeight - xLabelSpace / 2 + this.options.xAxis.fontSize / 2
		// Y Axis labels and bars, for each data set...
		for (const timeSeries of this.seriesSet) {
			if (timeSeries.options.disabled)
			const dataSet =;
			const position = timeSeries.position;
			const barPaddedHeight = (canvasHeight - this.options.axesWidth - xLabelSpace) / seriesCount;
			const yBarPosition = Math.round(barPaddedHeight * (position - 1) + this.options.padding / 2);
			const yCenteredPosition = Math.round(barPaddedHeight * (position - 1) + (barPaddedHeight / 2));
			// Draw y labels on the chart.
			if (this.options.yLabels.enabled) {
				const labelString = timeSeries.options.labelText.length > 0
					? timeSeries.options.labelText
					: timeSeries.position;
				// Label's text
				ctx.fillStyle = this.options.yLabels.fontColor;
				ctx.font = "bold " + this.options.yLabels.fontSize + 'px ' + this.options.yLabels.fontFamily;
				ctx.fillText(labelString, 0, yCenteredPosition);

			// Y grid
			if (this.options.grid.y.enabled && position > 1) {
				ctx.lineWidth = 1;
				ctx.strokeStyle = this.options.grid.y.color;
				ctx.moveTo(labelsMaxWidth, yBarPosition - this.options.padding / 2);
				ctx.lineTo(canvasWidth / this.options.overSampleFactor, yBarPosition - this.options.padding / 2);

			// Draw bars
			let lastXend = 0, lineEnd = 0;
			for (let i = 0; i < dataSet.length; i++) {
				const value = dataSet[i].value;
				if (i === 0) {
					const lineStart = 0 + labelsMaxWidth + this.options.axesWidth;
					lineEnd = (value / xUnitsPerPixel) + labelsMaxWidth + this.options.axesWidth;
					if (!this.isRealTime)
						lineEnd = (value * xScale) + labelsMaxWidth + this.options.axesWidth;
					if (this.options.minBarLength > 0 && (lineEnd - lineStart) < this.options.minBarLength)
						lineEnd = lineStart + this.options.minBarLength
					this._drawBar(yBarPosition, lineStart, lineEnd, dataSet[i], timeSeries.options);
				} else {
					const lineStart = lastXend;
					lineEnd = lineStart + (value / xUnitsPerPixel);
					if (!this.isRealTime)
						lineEnd = lineStart + (value * xScale);
					if (this.options.minBarLength > 0 && (lineEnd - lineStart) < this.options.minBarLength)
						lineEnd = lineStart + this.options.minBarLength
					this._drawBar(yBarPosition, lineStart, lineEnd, dataSet[i], timeSeries.options);
				lastXend = lineEnd;
			// Delete old data that's moved off the left of the chart.
			if (dataSet.length > 1 && this.isRealTime)
				timeSeries._dropOldData(Math.floor(canvasWidth / this.options.overSampleFactor));
		// Periodic render

	 * @private
	HorizontalChart.prototype._drawBar = function (y, xStart, xEnd, dataSample, tsOptions) {
		const ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d");
		// Start - End
		dataSample.xStart = xStart;
		dataSample.xEnd = xEnd;
		dataSample.y = y;
		if (xEnd > this.canvas.width / this.options.overSampleFactor)
		// bar;
		let bar = new Path2D();
		ctx.translate(xStart, y); // Aligns the bar starting point to the pattern starting point
		bar.rect(0, 0, xEnd - xStart, tsOptions.barHeight);
		ctx.fillStyle = dataSample.color;
		dataSample.path2D = bar;
		// Print value
		if (tsOptions.showValues && !isNaN(dataSample.value)) {
			const fontSize = (tsOptions.barHeight - 4 > 0 ? tsOptions.barHeight - 4 : 0);
			ctx.font = 'bold ' + fontSize + 'px ' + 'monospace';
			const valueString = Number(dataSample.value.toFixed(2)).toString();
			const textWidth = Math.ceil(ctx.measureText(valueString).width);
			if (textWidth < xEnd - xStart && fontSize > 0) {
				ctx.lineWidth = 1;
				ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF";
				ctx.strokeStyle = 'black';
				ctx.fillText(valueString, Math.round(xStart + ((xEnd - xStart) / 2) - (textWidth / 2)), y + fontSize);
				ctx.strokeText(valueString, Math.round(xStart + ((xEnd - xStart) / 2) - (textWidth / 2)), y + fontSize);

	 * Mouse click event callback function.
	 * @param {Object} evt - The mouse click event.
	 * @private
	HorizontalChart.prototype._mouseclick = function (evt) {

	 * Mouse move event callback function.
	 * @param {Object} evt - The mouse move event.
	 * @private
	HorizontalChart.prototype._mousemove = function (evt) {
		this.mouseover = true;
		if (!this.options.tooltip.enabled)
		let el = this._getTooltipEl(); = Math.round(evt.pageY) + 'px'; = Math.round(evt.pageX) + 'px';

	 * Mouse out event callback function.
	 * @param {Object} evt - The mouse out event.
	 * @private
	HorizontalChart.prototype._mouseout = function () {
		this.mouseover = false;
		if (this.tooltipEl) = 'none';

	 * Retrieve the tooltip element.
	 * @returns The tooltip element.
	 * @private
	HorizontalChart.prototype._getTooltipEl = function () {
		if (!this.tooltipEl) {
			this.tooltipEl = document.createElement('div');
			this.tooltipEl.className = 'horizontalcharts-tooltip'; = this.options.tooltip.backgroundColor; = '0.06em solid black'; = 'none'; = 'absolute'; = 'none';
		return this.tooltipEl;

	 * Update the tooltip content.
	 * @param {Object} evt - The mouse event.
	 * @private
	HorizontalChart.prototype._updateTooltip = function (evt) {
		let el = this._getTooltipEl();
		if (!this.mouseover || !this.options.tooltip.enabled) { = 'none';
		const ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d");
		const osf = this.options.overSampleFactor;
		let lines = [];
		for (const s of this.seriesSet) {
			for (const d of {
				if (d.path2D != null) {
					if (ctx.isPointInPath(d.path2D, (evt.offsetX - d.xStart) * osf, (evt.offsetY - d.y) * osf)) {
						let line = "";
						if (d.desc.length > 0) {
							line = "<span><b>" + d.desc + "</b></span>";
						if (!isNaN(d.ts)) {
							line = "<span><b>Time:</b> " + this.options.formatTime(d.ts) + "</span>";
						if (!isNaN(d.value)) {
							line = "<span><b>Value:</b> " + Number(d.value.toFixed(2)) + "</span>";
		if (lines.length > 0) {
			el.innerHTML = lines.join('<br>'); = 'block';
		} else {
			el.innerHTML = ""; = 'none';

	exports.DataSample = DataSample;
	exports.TimeSeries = TimeSeries;
	exports.HorizontalChart = HorizontalChart;

})(typeof exports === 'undefined' ? this : exports);